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Job Creation Tax Credits 

Job Creation Tax Credits (“JCTCs”) are an incentive tool for companies expanding in, or moving to Cincinnati, in consideration of their net, new jobs created.

The City of Cincinnati can provide a credit against a company’s net profits tax obligation for a future number of years determined based on the project. To qualify, companies must commit to creating or relocating a minimum of 25 new, full-time, permanent jobs with an average salary of 200% of minimum wage to Cincinnati within 3 years, or a minimum of 10 jobs within 3 years and at least $1MM in new yearly payroll.




Following decades of dramatic population and job loss in Cincinnati that led to disinvestment and an unsustainable depletion of municipal funds for public services, JCTCs have since proven a much-needed effective strategy in bringing long-term economic opportunity to the region. The goal of JCTCs is to facilitate the retention and creation of jobs, helping to uplift residents and contributing to Cincinnati’s tax base.


Who Can Apply?


  • Business Owners​​


Overview of Process


A company considering expanding within, or relocating to, Cincinnati should complete the “JCTC Tax Incentive Application” linked below, engaging with The Department of Community and Economic Development ("DCED") staff if any questions emerge. DCED staff reviews applications for completeness and may request additional items from the applicant. Once the application review and internal underwriting are complete, DCED makes a recommendation to the City Manager for approval. Following the City Manager's official approval, DCED extends an offer letter or term sheet to the applicant; once accepted, the City drafts legislation for the JCTC to move forward. Following approval by City Council and the Mayor, the City and applicant execute the JCTC Agreement. Timeline is generally as follows: Internal Review & Offer Letter (4 weeks); Contract Drafting & Legislative Approval (12 weeks); Contract Execution (2 weeks).

Note: Applicants for certain types of City Business — including development incentives with an estimated value of $100,000 or more per year — will be required to complete the City Business Disclosure Form pursuant to CMC Chapter 119. More information is available on the City Business List webpage.



Applications received on a rolling basis throughout the calendar year.


Interested? Have questions? For more information, contact:

Taylor German, [Intake]
Michael Banish, [Monitoring & Compliance]

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